Elisi: Begin with the End in Mind, Goal-Focused

A New Way to Plan #

Breaking the Vicious Cycle #

We wanted to break that vicious cycle of “hope for change → make a plan → fail to do it → give up.” So, we designed goals that can’t fail, incorporating subjectivity and flexibility to turn plans from a source of pressure into a treasure trove of motivation.

Key Concepts #

  1. Start with the End in Mind
    • Imagine your goal is already achieved and move confidently from there.
  2. Focus on the Present
    • Keep your attention on specific, current tasks without getting distracted.
  3. Enjoy the Process
    • Make your actions flexible and enjoyable, and don’t let setbacks get you down.

From GTD to Goal Tree: Combining Freedom and Efficiency #

The Problems with Traditional Planning #

Traditional planning, or “list thinking,” has a 97% failure rate because it lacks a clear, complete action map. This leads to wasted time, ineffective results, and self-blame.

The Elisi Solution #

Elisi goes beyond the traditional GTD system with a detailed goal map for all areas of life. It balances freedom and structured management, allowing users to manage even the smallest details, review progress, and flexibly break down and integrate goals.

Goal Tree: Implementing the SMART Principle #

Elisi’s goal tree dynamically presents the SMART principle. Tasks can be refined to the most specific granularity and adjusted as needed. It summarizes every task into a clear structure, focusing on key points and breaking down barriers to achievement with small, progressive steps.

Avoiding Bad Plans and Achieving Good Ones #

Elisi helps you avoid vague, unrealistic, and inflexible goals. It ensures your plans are clearly set, executable, and highly relevant, so you never lose your way to achieving your goals.

Your Personal Growth Matrix #

Elisi isn’t just a tool; it’s a customizable growth model that adapts to your needs. Over time, you’ll become more attuned to your rhythm, precisely execute tasks, and use Elisi to accomplish your personal objectives. You can focus on any part of your life and bring it all together in one app.

Key Features #

Structured Planning and Comprehensive Control #

Elisi’s structured logic is the foundation of effective management. You can add sub-projects to any project, like sub-goals, sub-tasks, notes, habits, moods, or expenses. This structured approach helps you achieve any goal, from work and study to health and lifelong dreams.

Flexible Management and a Scientific Weekly View #

Daily planning can be cumbersome, and monthly planning can be too loose. The weekly view is the most effective time frame for plan execution. Elisi’s optimized weekly view makes task planning clear and simple, with weekly pruning and organizing of the goal tree combined with desktop widgets for daily task checking.

Smart Planning and Task Adaptation #

Elisi allows for free drag-and-drop in the weekly view. Integrated with Elisi AI’s smart planning, the app makes personalized recommendations based on your schedule. Even if you don’t complete tasks, you can easily move them to the next week. Goal statistics provide intuitive insights into your progress, allowing you to adjust your strategy with detailed feedback and continuously optimize your action plans.

Smooth Experience and Synchronization Support #

Elisi has a simple yet beautiful design with eight major theme colors and supports global synchronization across all devices for a smooth and comfortable experience at any time.

Special Offer #

Elisi offers a one-month free membership trial for all new sign-ups. Just leave your email in the comments to receive your free trial.

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