Highly Effective (and Free!) Time Management Apps
There’s so much to do and so little time. This age-old complaint seems to be one of the great maxims of the modern age.
This leaves us with the issue of how to cope with it. How do you manage time when it doesn’t seem possible to have enough?
You’re not alone, and things aren’t as bad as they seem. There are plenty of others with the same problems, and some of them have created apps for time management.
These apps will help you complete your tasks, whatever they may be, in the most efficient way possible. We’ll talk about some of our favorites in the paragraphs below.
Still, this is a great app that you should consider downloading.
1. Rescue Time
This app is more about understanding where your time goes and getting it back. Download the app onto your computer, and it will keep you updated on how much time you’re spending online.
With internet addiction being such a prevalent issue, this app could be a very effective time management tool.
2. Remember the Milk
Remember the Milk is another app that helps you organize your tasks and get them done. What sets this app apart from all the others is the fact that it can be linked to multiple devices.
The overwhelming majority of us–around 90%–use multiple devices in a given day, so this app can be a great way to keep up with everything.
The reason for this multiple device format is so the app can get your attention wherever you are. This can be a difficult task, especially since we have so much to do in a day.
3. Elisi
The first contender on our list is Elisi, an app that approaches time management in a structured, somewhat analytical, way. It relies on a system it calls GTD–Getting Things Done.
The GTD system is simple. Write down everything you need to do. After that, break it down into its simplest parts.
For instance, if you were going to cook a meal, you might first start with looking up a recipe, then go shopping for the ingredients, and then go about preparing the meal.
If there is a flaw to Elisi and its methods, it would be that the human brain isn’t that organized. Sure, having a schedule can help, but it’s not uncommon for us to be in the middle of something, only to suddenly have inspiration strike.
The Best Free Time Management Apps
There are plenty of great apps out there for time management. Not only that, but many of them are totally free.
We’ve mentioned only a few of our favorites in the paragraphs above, but there are plenty more out there. This means that there are a host of ways to approach the problem, so you can find one that fits your unique style.
We encourage you to do more research on your own if you’re interested.
If you want to know more about time management in general or the Elisi app in particular, please visit our site. We can give you some great tips on how to improve your self-management.