Renaming Goals as Workspaces

When we came up with the goals feature for Elisi, we envisioned people using Elisi as a project board, with all the elements contributing to a single purpose.

However, after interviewing many of our avid users, and after careful observation, we have realized that the most effective way to use goals is to use it instead as workspaces.

In many cases, we have found that users set goals that correspond to different circumstances; for example, goals named ‘life’ and ‘work.’ In this way, they can use Elisi at work without exposing life-oriented tasks or habits.

Aside from people not using goals as we expected when we named it, our implementation of it also lacked many features that would make it helpful in actually reaching goals. There was no overview, summary, completion conditions, etc.

So, starting today, we are renaming goals as workspaces, to describe more accurately how our users actually make use of this feature.