The Secret to a More Productive You: 6 Ways to Boost Productivity In Life and Work

Without realizing it, you may be wasting over 20 hours of your productive time every week. That’s enough time to have a second job!

Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to boost productivity whether you’re at work or home.

By using the time you were wasting to be more productive, you can start to get results faster and have more time to enjoy. Keep reading to learn six secrets of productivity.

1. Set Goals

The first thing you need to do if you’re going to be more productive is to set goals for yourself. This will allow you to know where you’re going and what you should be doing.

Set a few big goals that will take at least a year to accomplish. Then, break those down into smaller monthly and weekly goals to make it more manageable. Don’t forget to write them down so you don’t forget them.

2. Make Lists

Creating lists will help you see what you need to do and will encourage you to keep working to cross everything off at the end of the day. It also prevents you from forgetting anything that needs to be done.

Feel free to add both big and small tasks to your list. Every item you cross off, even if it only took you five minutes to do, will motivate you to keep going.

3. Eliminate Distractions

Take some time to identify the things that distract you so you can eliminate them from your workspace.

For example, if you find yourself wasting 20 minutes on Facebook first thing in the morning, consider leaving your phone in another room so you can start your day off right.

4. Reward Productivity

As you reach your goals for the day, week, or month, reward yourself. It’s a good idea to set up a reward when you create the goal so you know what you’re working toward in addition to simply achieving the goal.

Make sure the rewards don’t negate the accomplishments, however. Spending $500 on a night out on the town, for example, isn’t a good reward for earning an extra $300 in commissions that week.

5. Use Peak Times

Keep track of when you’re the most productive. If you’re a morning person, this is likely the first few hours after you wake up. Otherwise, it may not be until after lunch or even later in the evening.

Once you identify the times of days in which you’re most productive, block them off in your schedule and use them to do the most important tasks of the day.

6. Batch Tasks

You’d be surprised at how much time you waste by checking your email ten times a day. Instead, you can save time and be more productive by batching tasks like this.

Ready to Boost Productivity in Your Life?

Now you know six ways to boost productivity in your life or at your workplace. Doing these things can change the way you work and help you do more than you thought possible.

One of the best ways to use all of these productivity hacks is to use a tool that keeps them all in one place. Check out our app to start reaching your goals today.