Jot These Down: 7 Amazing Mental Health Benefits to Journaling
By Elisi Studios
Most successful people keep a journal. But you don’t have to be the next Bill Gates or Walt Disney to enjoy journaling. According to the University of Rochester, journaling can ease stress, anxiety, and depression.
Here are 7 of the top health mental health benefits you can enjoy when you start a daily journaling habit.
Ease Anxiety
What’s a good way to get rid of the swirling thoughts running rampant through your head? Putting them on paper. Many people can get relief from their anxiety by releasing their thoughts. Take time to look at your anxiety. How many of your worries do you need to worry about now? Can you make changes to your behavior that would help them go away? You can find more tips to fight anxiety here.
Fight Depression
Like anxiety, journaling can help fight depression. Every day take time to list the things you’re grateful for or something that made you happy. Talk about one good thing that happened to you every day. Want more tips to boost your mood? Check out parts one and two here.
Clarify Your Thoughts and Feelings
This may seem like a weird mental health benefit, but it is. When you’re struggling with a big decision, journaling can help you weigh your pros and cons. Once everything is on paper, you can come to the best solution. Sometimes having an answer can provide peace and relief.
Release Your Stresses
What’s stressing you out? Are you mad at someone? Has someone hurt you? Write about it in your journal, and let it go. Use your journaling practice to forgive people who have done you wrong.
Organize Your Priorities
Overwhelmed with everything you have to do? Write it down and prioritize your list! Once things are on paper, your brain doesn’t have to hold on to that information anymore, so it can relax and let go. On top of that, you feel more in control because you know what you have to focus on first.
Improve Immune Function
One of the most surprising health benefits is an improved immune system. That’s right! Regular journaling can actually help keep you from getting sick. It can provide relief for those with autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis. Improved immune systems could come from relieving stress and anxiety, but it’s hard to say. Nonetheless, it’s a benefit we can all enjoy.
Improve Your Memory
Daily journaling can improve your memory. It forces you to practice active recall about things that happened during your day. But reviewing your journal can also help you recall – in your own words – things that happened a long time ago.
Journaling Provides A Wealth of Health Benefits
Whether you tried keeping a journal before, you can always start journaling today. You may enjoy keeping a fancy leather-bound journal and a nice pen. Many people struggle to carry their journal daily and thus drop their habit.
But you can start a journaling habit today, right on your phone. Download the Elisi App and start journaling today!