10 Tips to Eliminate Excessive Anxiety (2/2)

6. Stop thinking. When you find yourself stuck with thoughts that are causing anxiety, tell yourself “Stop!” This word is short, quick, and effective.

Practical steps
Tell yourself to stop each time you start thinking about a situation that makes you anxious. If you continue to do this, it will soon become a habit.

7. Take care of and help others. Anxiety and worry can lead people into excessive self-concern. To get out of the cycle of self-blame, a good countermeasure is to consider what you can do for others. Think about how you can help your friends and family. If you know people who are going through a tough time, act now to support them.

Practical steps
Send a thank-you card with a short, thoughtful note or call a friend to follow up about a current situation.

8. List and plan. Empty your mind by creating a list of all the tasks you are worrying about. This will give your brain room to think about other things. In the same way, planning can also help to free your mind from endless worries and fears by organizing your thoughts.

Practical steps
List all the things you want and need to do, prioritize these tasks, and implement your plan. If you start to worry about something you’ve already arranged and organized, tell yourself: “Stop, I have this planned!”

9. Experience being in the moment. When you find yourself thinking about something over and over, take a deep breath and look around. Pay attention to the sky, the trees, and the sounds of nature. Remind yourself to wake up from your “daymare” and you will start to feel differently.

Practical steps
When you find yourself in a negative mood, practice appreciating the beauty of the world around you.

10. Ask a professional for help. When anxiety becomes overwhelming, long-term, and interferes with your daily life, consider getting professional help. A meditation class or a visit with a therapist can calm a tired mind and improve your life.

Practical steps
Find a therapist or counselor, or attend a meditation class.

(By Elisi Studio)